Wisdom Develops Samādhi: A Guide to the Practice of the Buddha’s Meditation Methods
By Luangta Maha Boowa
41 pagesOne of the few books written directly by Luangta, this meditation manual represents some of his clearest advice on developing the path.
The heart which is not controlled by a kammaṭṭhāna is liable to the arising of “outgoing exuberance” throughout life […which] has been the enemy of all beings for countless ages, and a person who wants to subdue the “outgoing exuberance” of his own heart will need to compel his heart to take the medicine – which is the kammaṭṭhāna.
While the book’s title goes against the usual presentation of “sila, samādhi, [then] paññā,” the idea that “wisdom develops samādhi” is supported by such suttas as SN 48.45.